The digitalization of the healthcare sector aims at creating the best conditions for the healthcare personnel to be able to focus on their primary work functions, i.e. ensuring high quality patient care.
The increasing digitalization of the healthcare sector has resulted in the healthcare personnel spending more of their work hours on IT systems rather than patient care. Our digital health concept creates an optimization of the workflow for the personnel to allow for a more streamlined user experience with the IT systems. This in turn frees up time for patient care and reduces the risk of IT-related stress.

More Time for Patient Care
Optimizing IT solutions in the healthcare sector helps provide the healthcare personnel with more time to focus on patient care. Digitalization is meant to be a support to the staff, however, these days, the workflows of the IT systems often necessitate / require several manual and time-consuming processes which interrupt the contact with the patients. Among other things and as part of our Digital Health-concept, we look at the automation of several IT processes that run in the background, which will provide the personnel with quicker access to the IT systems as well as applications containing charts, test results, etc. This helps to create a better experience for both the patient and healthcare personnel.
Simplifying Workflows
Optimizing IT solutions helps to provide the healthcare personnel with faster and easier access to IT systems and applications containing relevant patient information. During an ordinary workday, the healthcare personnel use various mobile devices and that creates multiple processes of logging in and out, both on the devices and in the systems. By implementing contactless ID cards for logging in and out, and creating session transfer through a virtual IT environment, the user can switch between various devices quicker. In addition to that, the technology in the digital solution accommodates EU’s requirement of digital identification through eIDAS which ensures traceability of who has access to and is managing patient information.
Less IT-Related Stress
Working with IT systems is often associated with several interruptions in the patient contact and the inefficiency experienced by the healthcare personnel can lead to frustration and IT-related stress. When the healthcare personnel need to access multiple IT systems to obtain access to patient information, it often brings about several interruptions in patient contact. The many interruptions can lead to the healthcare personnel becoming frustrated and loosing focus which, in a worst-case scenario, can result in errors and malpractice. With the help of our Digital Health team, the staff will experience less frustration due to more seamless IT-related workflows, which also reduces sick leave caused by IT-related stress.

Three Delivery Models