A high level of security, efficient administration, and a great user experience are core elements in Device Management, all alongside automation and business comprehension. This is an area which has been going through a rapid development for some time and today, it is highly impacted by the service.  

At Danoffice IT, we do not just follow suit in the development, we are an active player in creating it. Our solid business enables us to drive innovation and progress for the benefit of our customers. This is where our infrastructure specialists in Digital Workspace and in particular, Device Management, play a key role.

We offer a broad selection of solutions and services in Device Management. As an example, we can put together a service agreement containing managed services from our extensive service catalogue. Some of our services are even offered on a free trial basis for 30 days.

There is a great benefit in combining our Device Management services with our Device aaS. We also highly recommend subscribing to our CVE service which provides information about critical updates.

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Device Management

Maintaining devices can be one of the large assignments in any IT organization. But there is a solution to that. Together, we can customize an operations agreement containing managed services from our service catalogue as well as a Service Level suitable for your situation. Our team of Device Management specialists who have extensive experience in operations and maintenance of complex pc, tablets, and smartphone environment resolve incidents if they arise and perform proactive system maintenance in order for your users to experience a stable IT environment. Our customers’ word are proof of what we can do:

Software Management aaS

41% of all attacks occur through infected or outdated software. Therefore, updating and maintaining software is critical for IT security. With our Software Management aaS - also known as SOFT2go - will you get access to services, tools, and competencies in automation and maintenance of software packages, including:

  • Portal: Download over 200 updated applications, packaged for installation
  • Package Tool: Reduce the time it takes to build software packages by half - and get templates for standards
  • Import Tool: optimize the task of importing packages making it up to 400% faster
  • Local Admin Service: Allow users to have local administrator rights under controlled conditions.



Hands on pc, pcs on a row, Danoffice IT

Device aaS

Laptops, desktops, smartphones, tablets, and POS - our Device aaS delivers fully prepared units, globally and on demand. The service is tailored completely to your needs ranging from your day-to-day change-outs to large projects.  

You are provided with a personalized web shop tailored to your specific selection, user access, and inventory agreements. In our Configuration Center, the unit are assembled and configured based on your specific device management solution. We are authorized by the large service providers to register the units in automated roll-out programs. The units are managed by professionals to ensure that they are secure, updated, and ready for use upon delivery.

Three Delivery Models

How can we help you?