At Danoffice IT, we conduct business globally with customers spread across 182 countries. With that comes a great responsibility and a consciousness which follows us in everything we do. For more than two decades, we have worked to make a difference and as a leading supplier to the world’s largest IGOs and NGO, we know that change requires action. This also applies to our work in aiding the environment and the climate.
The environment and the climate are under pressure and as is clear in our open COP report, we both have a desire to contribute to sustainable adaptation and we have committed ourselves to do so. Therefore, we have initiated a number of efforts in various links of our value chain. These are efforts that each contribute to reducing our overall print - ranging from our electricity to our logistics.
Each year, we prepare a detailed Communications On Progress (COP) report, in which we outline the status and results of our overall ESG efforts. All initiatives made from social responsibility to reduction of CO2 emissions can be viewed here.

Scientific Goals Lead the Way
One of our clearly defined goals is for our business to become more sustainable. However, our goal is also to assist our customers in making changes in their business. We have committed ourselves to creating a sustainable business not by doing what is easy, but rather what is necessary and by following Science Based Targets, we know exactly how much and how fast we need to reduce our CO2 emissions so that we may contribute to preventing the worst possible consequences of climate change.
“We have committed ourselves to creating a sustainable business not by doing what is easy, but rather what is necessary.”
Henriette Normann-Ekegren, ESG Manager Danoffice IT
The Science Based Targets initiative is a collaboration between CDP, United Nations Global Compact, World Resources Institute (WRI), and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). By dedicating ourselves to this initiative run by such crucial players, we ensure that we are not stumbling blindly ahead or following intuition. SBTi is resting on a solid scientific foundation, among other things by setting goals and creating action based on recommendations from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC.
Greener Logistics
When you have thousands of shipments annually and a keen focus on sustainability, you clearly need to take action to further reduce your CO2 footprint and continue to be in the lead on behalf of the industry. Therefore, we have made agreements with a number of couriers.
Among others, we use the DHL Express’ GoGreen solution through which our 10,000+ global DHL shipments are transported in a CO2 neutral way whenever possible and when not possible; the CO2 emissions are compensated for. We also have agreements with PostNord and on a global scale with UPS so overall, we put in the effort where we can to increase our logistics value chain towards a greener solution.
Greener Consumption
At Danoffice IT, we have many initiatives across our operations that are in place to reduce our overall print. Therefore, our focus is on ensuring that our energy consumption becomes green. We collaborate with The 0-mission through which we subscribe to 1 kilometer of solar panels in their solar panel facility located in Denmark. That means that we have 50% of our total power consumption covered just from this solar panel facility and thus this is an important piece in our goal to achieving an overall CO2 reduction of at least 50% in year 2030.
Our new agreement is part of an overall plan for our organization. A joint effort in which we will lead the way on behalf of our business and be the front runners for the green adaptation.

Greener Insight
In order to do business efficiently, you need knowledge and insight. That is certainly also the case when you talk about climate imprint and sustainability – highly complex areas. Therefore, we offer to prepare a CO2 report to create visibility for our customers and provide them with the opportunity to have a documented number of the positive imprint our customers are making in the world when they recycle their used IT equipment.
That also creates an awareness of the imprint made by IT in general as a result of manufacturing, usage, transportation, and disposal. Having this knowledge can create the foundation for action in the future. When you have clarity, it is easier to take more precise action.
ESG in Our Business
We work on our responsibility in any way possible in our business. Therefore, all our departments are affected by ESG when it comes to responsibility. In our COP report, you can learn about our work regarding anti-corruption and bribery, our participation in Run for a Purpose, and even the coffee we drink on a daily basis in the office.