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In the fall of 2023, access to the long-awaited Microsoft AI solution, Copilot, was finally made available as a pilot version for large corporate customers across the world. However, access has now been expanded to allow the smaller companies to come on board as well. Insight and preparation are required before you are ready for take-off and we can help you get safely on board and show you the benefits as well as highlight the items to be mindful of.

Take a moment to reflect on the first wave of cloud solutions. Now, think back to the introduction of Teams. These were completely different technologies; however, they have several similarities in preparation and approach. What do we need it for? Which data do we want to use, and which do we not want to use? Copilot is available now and many companies have begun their AI journey.

In short, Microsoft Copilot is an add-on license for your Microsoft 365 and the prices start at USD 30.00 per user. This first version is a so-called pilot which is another version for an early release. This means we all now have the chance to help influence it. Not only is the concept of AI new and the hot topic of today, this product in itself is also new and nobody in the world can draw from years of experience with it.

Therefore, at Danoffice IT, we say: let’s take off together! That said, we have of course been keeping up very intensely with the development of AI since its very beginning. As such, our great skillsets will get you well on your way on your AI journey with Microsoft Copilot.

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What Copilot Adds

Microsoft describes Copilot as a creativity tool in your professional workflow. Out of the box, you achieve complete integration in your Microsoft 365 apps and thereby, you have an advanced language tool at your disposal. You will achieve a far more accurate result than for instance an AI add-on in your browser because this tool pulls its initial information from your data in Microsoft Graph and your 365 apps. In other words, the context will be noticeably more accurate.

Productivity is the key because you can quickly prepare reports on processes and business in general or save time when preparing a business presentation. Copilot curates the contents for you and pulls numbers, graphics, statistics, and quotes. “We want to help our customers get ready as best we can for this next chapter because it will become the new reality. Normally, it makes sense to hold your horses, but with this one, we actually believe it is a benefit to get in on the ground floor,” Niels Stilling Jakobsen, Senior Modern Workplace Consultant explains.

What Do We Expect from Copilot?

We expect it to be more or less everywhere. “The majority of all companies around the world use Microsoft’s products and as such, the anticipated usage will of course match that proportion. The development of AI is met with equal parts interest and skepticism; however, we are hearing from our customers all over the world that when it is coming from a credible player such as Microsoft, it generally feels safe. There is a built-in faith in the source and security in the product. We also share that perception on our end.” 

Security and Copilot

The debate regarding security and AI is wise to have. “In the Microsoft realm, your license will determine how you need to protect yourself. For instance, if you have Business Premium, you are protected with a number of features, however, if you have a license which for instance includes Entra ID P2, you have the option of adding Privileged Identity Management. That said, it is important to approach this from a practical standpoint. Make sure you have the people in your organization well-trained, identify sensitive data, limit the access to sensitive data to those who need it, etc. It is beneficial to start classifying data in areas such as HR and finance. You do this by using Copilot’s Information Protection Labelling which ensures that data is not accessed by unauthorized users. The objective is ensuring that sensitive data of any kind does not leave the organization or is abused”, Mathias Baden Frederiksen, Senior Consultant, explains.

Five Things to Remember

Ethics and common sense go hand-in-hand with your business strategy. Policies are important; however, how do you make sure you have compliance? Here are five great tips for a great start:

  1. Get your roles and access under control
    Policies are a key part to ensuring success with Copilot. For instance, make sure that Copilot cannot pull from sensitive data and share it within the organization. More importantly, who needs access to what?

  2. Take Advantage of the Security Features in Your License
    Your license will determine how many options you have available to you and your users for protection. The features such as Information Protection, Labelling and Data Loss Protection are just as critical as 2FA or LAPS are in a standard security setup.

  3. Prepare Your Organization
    Prepare and train the employees in your organization both on the possibilities in Copilot and on carefully prepared guides and policies.

  4. Start Small
    Keep it simple in the beginning and add features along the way. Think of your cloud journey. Did you put everything in the cloud right out of the gate?

  5. Call Us
    We can help you get safely on your way. We will create the best starting point for you based on your users, your licenses, and your business. Our phone number is right here.

How Can We Help You Get off the Ground?

We are ready any time to provide feedback over the phone and if you would like a more in-depth foundation for getting off the ground with Copilot, we offer the following:


    We come to you and provide you with a walk-through of Copilot from a bird’s eye view. After this, you plan your own Copilot take-off.

    With this option, we are your copilots. Together, we prepare a four-hour customized workshop, for instance as a natural continuation of the inspiration presentation outlined above. During this workshop, we will review the Copilot possibilities in detail based on your specific business and needs. After the workshop, you will receive your own roadmap for specific points of action and recommendation to get you off the ground.

    As your professional partner, we help you through the various phases of implementation: adoption, security, compliance, input for maturity of the organization, and several other phases which must be completed during the implementation project.


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