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For more than two decades, we have provided our services all over the world to make a difference. We can only be successful in doing so when we have strong and valuable alliances, and this is where our global collaboration with Dell Technologies is crucial. Together, we can span far and obtain results to match. As a result, we appreciate the accolades given to us and our very own Channel All Star, Per Andersen, at this year’s Dell Technologies Partner Awards 2023.
If you have read our article about our global collaboration with Dell Technologies in which we provide assistance to relief organizations around the world, you may remember one of the main characters, Per Andersen. Per embodies the trend modern workplaces to the fullest. His desk is in Svendbord, but his workplace is all across the globe. As a result of his efforts, he was granted a very special distinction at this year’s Partner Awards. By being bestowed the award of Channel All Star, Per enters an exclusive international league of individuals who have made a difference in the collaboration with Dell Technologies.

Global Collaboration – Global Support
As a unique feature in our industry, we are one of the very few global suppliers who have the ability to provide true global support – also when it comes to services and warranties. This is one of the critical parameters in our global Supply Chain Services and in our logistics. According to Per Andersen, this is where the collaboration with Dell plays a key part: “We are not limited geographically in our collaboration. That is very unique. We collaborate with Dell Technologies regardless of where the customer responsibility is located within Dell”, Per concludes. “From the customer perspective, our collaboration creates an extraordinary support regardless of the customer’s location in the world.

Satellites Bring Us Closer
Even though we have digital tools today that offer a great span and even though employees like Per contribute to creating a closeness with our Partners and customers around the world, there are obvious advantages to having a constant local presence. Therefore, our current divisions in Denmark, Switzerland, Singapore, and USA are now being joined by two new strategically placed divisions in India and China. Among other things, this will mean that the local anchoring is strengthened, which will undoubtedly affect our collaboration with Dell Technologies in a positive way. The journey has begun and as soon as 2024, we will be operational in both locations.
We want to thank Dell Technologies for the awards, and we want to thank Per and all his colleagues for the excellent efforts.