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HP is one of the most sustainable companies in the world and they take the lead in progress. One example of this is the ambitious HP Amplify Impact Partner Program. This program is the first of its kind and through this, HP is assembling its partners to work towards a better future. At Danoffice IT, we have been a part of this from the start and now in 2024, we have been awarded the highest distinction of five stars through this program. This is a solid indicator that our efforts are serious and aimed at the future.

Since our beginning in 1995, we at Danoffice IT have been working to make a difference. From our early beginnings, we have been a global operation in our work with one of the world’s leading NGO’s. This work has shaped us over several decades and it has also served as the foundation for our overall ESG efforts. At this time, our ESG efforts are embedded in all parts of our organization, but also continues into all our value chains to the furthest links all across the world. This is a large undertaking which requires dedication and courage, both of which we have. As a result, a partner program such as HP Amplify Impact is very valuable to us as further explained by Danoffice IT’s ESG Manager, Henriette Normann-Ekegren:

“It is a privilege to work with such a frontrunner in sustainability as HP is. They are not strictly focused on the environment and their overall efforts on the concept of sustainability as a whole sets them apart from the rest. They are sharing with their partners ways in which we can optimize our efforts, and they are very specific. How can you make a difference? This is where they help us identify which efforts are the most ideal in order to achieve the best benefit possible.”


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Henriette Normann-Ekegren

”Diversity and inclusion are a high priority, and we are very determined to reach our goal of having a minimum of 40% female employees in 2030. We are down to the nitty-gritty in our HR efforts to achieve our goal and we are well on our way.”


Henriette Normann-Ekegren, ESG Manager, Danoffice IT

Education and Management

In order to achieve a top-level certification in HP’s Amplify Impact Partner Program, our ESG efforts needed to be anchored into the entire organization. We have spent a great deal of resources on achieving just that. “First and foremost, our sales team has undergone intensive education from HP, however an Executive Sponsorship is also included in HP’s requirements. We must document to HP that our Board of Directors are included in our ESG efforts, this includes our CEO. Luckily, we meet all those requirements in full because our management is highly engaged in protecting the current efforts and they are actively involved in the initiation of new efforts,” Henriette Normann-Ekegren explains.

We Believe in You

Those were the final words in our DE&I statement. It serves as our guide in our efforts related to culture and people. Just a few years ago, sustainability often served to reference the efforts of an organization related to the classic concepts of environment and climate. However, today, people have become an equally important part of these efforts. At this time, issues such as diversity, equality and inclusion weigh heavily. Fortunately, according to our ESG Manager, these were one of the determining factors that resulted in Danoffice IT moving from four to five stars in HP’s partner program. “One of the determining factors was our efforts in this area. Today, we have a DE&I strategy which is not just words on a piece of paper. The

strategy is alive and well and today, we have very specific goals for what we want to achieve,” Henriette Normann-Ekegren says and adds: “Diversity and inclusion are a high priority and we are very determined to reach our goal of having a minimum of 40% female employees in 2030 to achieve a better balance between the number of men and women in our workplace. We are down to the nitty-gritty in our HR efforts to achieve our goal and we are well on our way.”

Volunteering and Community

Volunteering & community engagement. To vigtige søjler i HP’s Amplify Impact Partner Program, som vi også i Danoffice IT arbejder på, fortæller Henriette. ”Vi har mange kolleger på tværs af vores organisation, som deltager i arrangementer, som rækker langt ud over vores kerneforretning. Blandt andet HP’s Brainwalk, hvor vi i 2023 placerede os i toppen med flest plantede træer. Det er ikke alle indsatser, som er store og vidtrækkende – nogle er små og lokale, for det er ofte her den vigtige forankring starter”. 

Det er vigtigt for os at give vores viden og erfaring videre til vores kunder. Det gør vi blandt andet igennem den uddannelse, vi modtager fra HP. ”Den viden, vi har adgang til igennem programmet, kan vi give videre til vores kunder. Jo mere viden, vi får, jo bedre kan vi hjælpe dem i deres ESG-arbejde. Der er også en stor tryghed i det for vores kunder at se os først gå fra tre til fire stjerner – og nu fra fire til de maksimale fem stjerner. Det viser, at vi ikke hviler på laurbærrene. Vi arbejder konstant for at gøre det endnu bedre. Hver dag”, slutter Henriette Normann-Ekegren, ESG Manager i Danoffice IT.  


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