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At Danoffice IT, we take pride in providing great service. We believe that excellent service needs to start as soon as an agreement is signed, and it must apply to everything. We offer our hardware customer our unique Danoffice IT Hardware Service which is a unique service in Denmark. Often, an IT customer does not know the true cost of Support and expenses until 3-5 years into the service, but we create that insight right from the start.
Managing a service matter related to IT hardware is a feat in itself. It cannot be compared to taking your car in for a service checkup with the local mechanic only to leave with a seal of approval. Hardware is a part of a far more complex mechanism, a delicate web of licenses, warranties, contracts, as well as terms and conditions. The performance of the service is a creature of its own. Therefore, we have chosen right from the start to ensure that all processes associated with all of this, which take both time and money, shall not be a burden to the customer any longer. As such, we have moved all management of the hardware service and contracts into our standard service level. The efforts are handled for the customer directly. The service we provide is not available anywhere else.

Closer to the Customer
”We make a difference by being in close contact with the customer,” our own expert Bente Selbach confirms.
Since 1987, she has specialized in contract management related to hardware service which is why her title with Danoffice IT is Service Manager.
“We handle all hardware and network equipment. Put more simply, we handle everything you will find in a datacenter. This is often equipment which is complex for the customer to manage. We take the service contract from the manufacturer and simplify it. As such, rather than having 100 pages to read, we give you 1. We remove the complexity from the agreement, and we handle the management of the complex paragraphs,” she says.
Thorough Overview
The Hardware Service from Danoffice IT encompasses everything which the manufacturer does not offer. Therefore, this is not a superfluous surcharge. We service you as our customer and among other things, we provide: Renewal of all contracts. We keep track of the various service licenses you have with the manufacturer and when they expire as well as whether your datacenter is up to date in terms of your SLA, equipment, etc. These are all details that are in the contract with the manufacturer which we manage on your behalf. Since we are on board from the beginning, we ensure life cycle management for both hardware and the service agreement.

Total Overview Provides a Surplus
For many years, it was industry standard to review warranties and service agreements individually. Contrary to that, Danoffice IT’s Hardware Service provides a comprehensive overview of the assets of the customer looking a full year ahead. That way, we have an ongoing overview of expiration dates and what needs attention. This allows us to enter into support agreements that make it possible to create service proposals related to renewal of equipment and licenses very early on which can then be reviewed by our Business Relationship Managers and the customer. The customer is always aware of its expense level. That helps to create an overview of the budgeting and creates savings.
At Danoffice IT, we have a Hardware Service team with long-term and extensive experience:
“We are constantly looking for ways to relieve the customer of burdens related to their resources.”
Bente Selbach, Service Manager, Danoffice IT.
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