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Easy, fast, and secure access to patient data remains one of the primary concerns in hospitals. As hospitals establish more patient-focused processes, staff work becomes increasingly mobile.

By simply tapping their ID card and entering a personal PIN code, staff can gain seamless access to everything—computers, tablets, smartphones, medical equipment, medication, rooms, and buildings. We call it Tap’N’Go, a Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) solution that reduces access processes from minutes to seconds—without compromising patient data security.


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Mobile Solutions Free Up More Time for Patient Care


Mobile technology is transforming healthcare. By using smartphones and tablets, healthcare staff can access patient records, monitor vital signs, and communicate with team members and patients—anytime, anywhere. Healthcare systems worldwide are implementing clinical mobile solutions to improve patient care while streamlining staff workflows, resulting in lower healthcare costs. However, challenges remain…


Providing every employee with their own mobile phone or tablet would mean significant costs. In clinical environments, fingerprint use isn’t feasible due to the need to sanitize devices after use. Facial recognition is also not an option, as healthcare staff often wear masks. Our Tap’N’Go solution addresses all these challenges, says Christian Hinnaland, Regional Sales Manager Nordics, Imprivata.

Digital solutions tailored to healthcare work conditions

With a smart, digital workplace tailored to healthcare’s complex environment, these challenges can be overcome, leading to improvements in daily workflows. Tap’N’Go minimizes the time spent on administrative tasks like logging in and accessing systems, freeing up more time for actual patient care. It can also be combined with a smart mobile device-sharing solution—Mobile Device Access (MDA). With efficient and secure access and sharing of mobile devices among healthcare staff, working conditions become more mobile, costs are reduced, and environmental sustainability is supported.

Contactless identity card


One of the most widely used and secure ways for healthcare staff to authenticate themselves at digital workstations is ID card authentication. The latest contactless card technology eliminates the need to insert a card into a reader. Instead, you simply tap the card against the reader and enter your PIN— just like using a contactless payment card.

With a contactless identity card and PIN, staff gain an MFA solution that optimizes login processes in several ways:


“You no longer need to log out of applications and systems. When a colleague takes over a workstation or device and taps their card, you are automatically logged out. Even if you leave Device A, move to another room or building, and log in to Device B, you can continue working in the same applications. You pick up right where you left off in just a few seconds,” explains Christian Hinnaland.


Improves patient interaction

Our MFA solution supports secure digitization in the healthcare sector. It enhances usability and optimizes IT processes, generating more reliable and timely data for informed decisions on patient care and treatment. 

"Accessing a workstation in 4 seconds instead of 20 seconds or 2 minutes transforms clinician-patient interaction and ultimately enhances clinical decision-making", says Daniel Johnston, Clinical Workflow Specialist at Imprivata.

User-friendly for healthcare professionals

“The Nordic countries have been digital since the 1990s, and legacy systems are updated. But there still is an opportunity to make IT more accessible to clinicians. The perception is that most IT solutions are complex and challenging in healthcare settings. Therefore, we need to work more intensely on breaking down technological barriers and enable easy and secure identity access management in healthcare - across endpoints and in applications.” — Daniel Johnston

What is Multi-Factor Authentication?


With MFA, users must use two or more authentication methods before gaining access to data and systems. Combining various types of authentication factors enhances security. Our MFA solution achieves this without compromising user-friendliness.

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