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At Danoffice IT, we do business in more than 180 countries. For nearly three decades, we have operated as a global corporation. Born Global as the modern phrase goes. We are a company focused on creating relationship which means that closeness is important to us. Therefore, we are pleased to announce the opening of our new division in Singapore which will operate as our Asian hub.
We can now also ensure the best possible delivery terms in that we have our own logistics and distribution. The man spearheading the new office, Mathias Jalking, has undertaken going on a journey in more ways than one.
In December of 2021, the registration of the corporation finally came through after a long period of planning and a dedicated effort. On March 1, 2022, Mathias was finally able to move into his office in the heart of Singapore. And with that, the efforts to support and develop the business in the East could commence. This is a feat CEO, Lars Baun, had look forward to with great anticipation.
”The decision to increase our efforts in Asia has been a long time coming. It is a big decision, and it requires effort and insight. The process went really well, and I am very pleased that the expansion of the business actually plays into and strengthens several top priorities all at once,” Lars explains and goes on to elaborate: “We will be strengthening our closeness and service level there and we will be creating a much more sustainable launching pad for international commerce. Last, but not least, it offers talented co-workers the opportunity to grow in the organization and that makes me very happy.”
The same is true for Mathias himself: “The conversation about Asia has been ongoing for a while and then it finally became reality. I am very thrilled to have the opportunity – it was the perfect match for my own ambitions, both personally and for Danoffice IT”, he explains.

Lars adds:” Being a global corporation based in Svendborg comes with its challenges. Because we do business with the types of organizations we do, there are even greater requirements in place for us. We work very hard to not only be worthy of those contracts, but to actually live up to them and then some. We have been certified by Anti Bribery and we have dedicated ourselves to a long list of charters in sustainability. All of this rubs off on the other parts of the business, even at home in Denmark. This makes us Best in Class in many areas.”
Presence is the key word
“We support our partners in standardizing and streamlining their IT-investments globally, but at the same time, we recognize that not all regions and countries are the same. This requires us to have insight into local customs to create the best possible customer experience for the end users” Mathias explains. “Sustainability is a strategical focus area for us and our presence in Asia supports this. Why must IT products that are manufactured in China be shipped to Denmark only to be sent back in the same direction to the end-user in the Philippines? Our new structure offers a more simple and far more sustainable solution. Through all of it, sustainability is the key word.”
As Lars also said, the service level is a central element in Danoffice IT’s new Asian hub, Mathias explains: “From an organizational standpoint, it makes sense. All our clients are global so out here, it turns into teamwork between our sales representatives and me and we have plans to hire more people. The first employee is already in place as Joline Wang will start on August 15th. She is Singaporean and will operate the orders and help with the administrative side of things."

Mathias adds: “After a year and a half, I moved to Switzerland and worked in our office down there. I really liked it, but when the opportunity presented itself to help create the Singapore office, I took the opportunity - also to develop the company and strengthen our business”. Therein Mathias confirms that a journey can be many things, if one seeks personal growth and travel, the opportunities are present within our organization.
At Danoffice IT, we now have the results of a gamble which will affect the rest of the corporation, and this is something our CEO knows full well: “I look forward to seeing how in our daily operations, we are getting closer to our customers who are so dependent upon us. I also look forward to developing our Singapore office so that more of our Danoffice IT co-workers, who desire to travel in their career in more ways than one, will have the opportunity to do so. Naturally, I am also looking forward to seeing this gamble affect our business – by decreasing the distances in our logistics and service in the Asian market, we will also be freeing up resources and streamlining in other areas” Lars Baun, CEO says in closing.