• Danoffice IT
  • Danoffice IT Green
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One consolidated brand. One identity. In the Danoffice IT organization, we have been operating with multiple brands under the same umbrella for some time due to our acquisitions. However, as of today, January 8, 2024, we are now consolidating Danoffice IT, edgemo, edgemo green, and Conecto under one single name: Danoffice IT.

The consolidation of the four brands has several practical implications worth knowing for those who do business with us. You are currently experiencing one of the changes which is our new shared website. Here, you can learn more about who we are and what we do - How we DO IT.

Many of the great stories from our previous websites have been included, and we have ensured that you will be directed to the right place if you follow an old link. The website is available in both Danish, English, and Swedish - click on the globe in the top right corner to switch the language.

If you have any questions or comments about the brand consolidation, the website, or if you have a good idea you would like to share with us, then you are always welcome to write to us.

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New Email Addresses

Under 'Contact', you will find an overview containing contact information for everyone at Danoffice IT. In connection with the brand consolidation, many of us have received a new danofficeit.com email address, wherefore, this overview may be of use to you. You can still reach out to us using our old address, but when you receive emails from us, they will come from the new email address. Otherwise, everything remains just as you know it: shop, contacts, phone numbers, inventory, and know-how.

Go to Contacts

Explore and Be Inspired

Explore the new danofficeit.com with the inspiration gathered below. Also, discover our three new flexible delivery models: Do IT Yourself, We Do IT Together, and Let Us Do IT.

DO IT Green

Since our early beginnings, it has been at the core of our DNA to work towards an improved sustainable adaptation. In 2020, this was underlined by the acquisition of NPvision which purchases and sells used IT equipment from companies and government institutions both in Denmark and in the entire world. 

Even though NPvision changed its name to edgemo green last year, this company is now also being brought into the unified Danoffice IT identity. However, they will be given the department name DO IT Green and will continue to operate under an independent Danish VAT number.

Acquiring edgemo

With its significant hardware, consultant, and services business, the Danish IT infrastructure supplier, edgemo a/s, became part of Danoffice IT in 2021. This added an additional location in Hinnerup near Aarhus in Denmark. The merger became a formality, when edgemo received the same CVR number as Danoffice IT in April 2022.


Later that year, we solidified the unity, when our former department in Allerød moved in with edgemo's department in Albertslund in our new inviting and shared location in Ballerup.

Man walking in an office, Danoffice IT

Acquiring Conecto

The most recent acquisition occurred in the summer of 2023 when Conecto which is a leading Danish IT services and consultancy firm with approximately 60 employees also became a part of the Danoffice IT family and moved into the offices in Ballerup and Hinnerup. Conecto's strong portfolio of products and services was an excellent addition to our existing business.


Conecto retains its VAT number, but has changed its name to Danoffice IT Solutions & Services in the Central Business Register.

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