• Digital Workplace
  • Microsoft

The window is closing in October. Microsoft is closing down Windows 10 for good and with that, they are inviting the users over to Windows 11. Many have made the switch, but just as many still have equipment and infrastructure which will need to get a new version of Windows, whether they feel they need it or not. At Danoffice IT, we are putting the spotlight on those who need to migrate from 10 to 11 and we will guide you to the other side safely. We do so with processes and solutions that are tailored for your environment. 

At Danoffice IT, we have a powerful team consisting of the most powerful Microsoft and licensing specialists who make their experience and know-how available. “Do we encounter some customers who need to hurry up and get things moving? We can honestly say YES to that, but with the proper process, we can guarantee getting you to the finish line. Our goal is to provide our customers with peace of mind because we can resolve this even though October seems right around the corner. Our specialists draw experience from everywhere which means we can manage all possible scenarios,” Kim Tovgaard, Head of Cloud & Modern Workplace at Danoffice IT, explains. 

Dialogue is the way to go – here is how we do it

We do not bring pre-packaged solutions and boxes for you to fit in. Through dialogue, we will create a solution together to match your environment and organization. 


”Our process is founded on dialogue. We bring the customer into an efficient workshop process where we start with a blank slate. We ensure that the customer is involved through the entire process. After the workshop, we provide a number of recommendations for models and solutions which we will then review with the customer and work out an agreement.”


Morten Leth Hedegaard

Lead Modern Workplace Architect

Your environment – your starting point

We always start the process based on the current situation and need for each respective corporation. Nobody fits into the exact same box. We get down to the nitty gritty because no two scenarios are the same. “We are in full swing helping our customers migrate to Windows 11 and we always bring the big toolbox. For some, we need an Inplace Upgrade solution and for others, wipe & reload is the way to go. Are we going to implement WSUS or Intune? Are we going to use a Task Sequence? Can we use Autopatch from our E3 license? The pros and cons are unique to the individual company and we take it very seriously,” Morten Leth Hedegaard, Lead Modern Workplace Architect, Cloud & Modern Workplace, at Danoffice IT, explains. 


still on windows 10? reach out to us today

Stay focused

We often see a desire to add other projects to the upgrade process. Some may want to transition to cloud native or make other changes. These are processes which can create an unnecessarily complex process which can result in expensive errors.

“We recommend that focus is maintained which will ensure a secure and efficient migration for the organization. It can be tempting to expand and add on since you are already rolling up your sleeves. However, that leaves room for other things to go wrong, from licenses to configurations, so we recommend separating things. Once you are securely migrated, then we can add the next thing,” Morten Leth Hedegaard explains. 

Avoid losing Office 

Keep your users going! Microsoft will be shutting down the support and updates for the 365 licenses for Windows 10. It does not help to attempt to buy more time through ESU, Extended Security Updates. Microsoft has stated that 365 may not be installed on a device operating on Windows 10 as it will not be supported. The deadline for Microsoft 365 is the same as for the operating system itself, Windows 10. 

Get Started!

October is Microsoft’s deadline and there is no way to circumvent that.


“Some companies need to get busy quick and therefore, we urge people to start the process now. There is always a certain response time to factor in and since it is critical for every organization to keep their users and production operational, the timeframe needs to be respected and the sails need to be set. We are ready to help.”


Kim Tovgaard
Head of Cloud & Modern Workplace


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Portrait of Kim Tovgaard

FAQ Windows 10-Windows 11


Will our applications be compatible? 
Many want a pre-analysis of compatibility but we are 99% sure that all apps will work. The last percentage typically affects very outdated and proprietary applications and for those, we also find a solution. 


What do we need to do to educate our users?
Your users will get an OS which they will likely know already from their private devices. There are no big changes and Windows 11 includes a free Onboarding Kit which will get your users situated.  


What if we have the Windows 10 home edition?
It will need to be reinstalled. 
How is the application compatibility from Windows 10 to Windows 11?
Generally, compatibility is good. We do not come across applications that do not work on Windows 11. We have come across library systems which can be challenging, but we resolve those. 
What challenges can we face on our road to Windows 11?
There are several factors that play in. The first step is forming an overview of the devices which cannot be upgraded and then you continue from there. 
We have several devices that operate on legacy BIOS. Will that be a problem?
If you have several devices operating on Legacy BIOS, we recommend that you convert them to UEFI BIOS since you also need to activate Secure Boot, which is a UEFI feature.


What happens to our files and data?
That is a customer-specific situation. The answer will become available during our workshop. Some of the factors that affect this are whether we need to perform a wipe & reload or if we need to perform an InPlace upgrade. 


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